JeeStudy 发表于 2018-11-30 13:55:33

MySQL version() 函数 -log 理解

MySQL版本查看:    当我们连接上MySQL数据库后调用MySQL的version()函数时,返回的结果中(5.6.41-log)带有“-log”后缀,这是什么意思呢?

    根据MySQL官网显示:-log 表明启用了 general log, slow query log, or binary log 等日志功能.

    The version number for the server. The value might also include a suffix indicating server build or configuration information. -log indicates that one or more of the general log, slow query log, or binary log are enabled. -debug indicates that the server was built with debugging support enabled.

发表于 2019-9-25 20:18:05


发表于 2019-9-25 20:21:03

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查看完整版本: MySQL version() 函数 -log 理解